Thursday, June 27, 2013

Red Colors

Hey guys! Here's the work I've been working for a long time. It's not to complicated but I had not got much time. So step by step I finished it at last.
Must say it's a pleasure to work with my favorite model. Like her so much :)

And I also have two news for you.
The first is that I bought a new pc. Bought the best I thing I could find.Changed everything Iincluding mouse and keyboard. I don't say it will improve quality of my works very much but it allows me to use more powerful software to improve my skills.

And the bad news. This is possible the last work here on blogger. According to new rules they can ban my page from July. So I created my new page on See you there!


Unknown said...

That is too bad, is there another site where we can follow your work? I know deviantart does not allow lots of adult artwork

Fat Tony said...

Oh, it does :)
You can stand here. It seems that nobody gonna ban this stuff so it's ok.


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